Help Homeless Refugees in North Somerset this Winter

Help Homeless Refugees in North Somerset this Winter

Since October, we have provided homeless prevention advice to 38 individuals and two families. Just this week, we have supported two people into their own private rented tenancies, with four more signing up next week.

This is amazing and down to our determined supporters, volunteers and staff. But still, people are being told to leave their accommodation with little notice and limited options available.

We continue to support those at risk of homelessness, and we will explore all options. But we need your help to be able to continue to provide emergency accommodation while action plans are put in place.

Your gift will keep a vulnerable refugee from sleeping in the streets this winter. Can you pay for a safe place for a short time, so we can work on getting an action plan in place? Just £30 could pay for a room in a guest house for a night ❤️

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